Monday, May 18, 2009

Which Way?

So Friday showed me a small gain. All my short positions expired worthless minus the one June position I have in NVAX which will almost certainly expire worthless being a 200% move away from the strike but I am almost tempted to just close it and not care about the remaining 50 bucks. The good thing about having things expire is that you get the rest of the premium if there is any and you don't have to pay a commission on the closing side of the trade.

I was actually pretty excited that futures were down last night doing exactly like I wanted. I had wanted a gap down to 875 and then I would sell my puts and either buy futures or just hold my long options. However, Lowe's came out with really nice earnings and that made futures rebound and now turn positive by 1% so we are going to have a gap up instead which I think I am less positioned for. I am overall long but so far the moves in my long positions pre market will not out pace the move in the SPY and IYR so my losses should be greater than profit. Since this is fairly positive data and we may get more with Home Depot later on, this could push us back above 900 but we will see when we get there.

Overall Return for 2009: 161%

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